Friday, August 23, 2013


We have sacrificed our first bottle to the Terrible Adult Gods.

We took the kids to the drive-in to see Despicable Me 2 and RIPD (which btw, don't waste your time on). It was raining just enough we didn't want to sit and get wet but not enough to leave so we just popped open the hatch of the van and watched the shows.
Ben took a bit of a bottle, more of a snack than anything, and we put the bottle in the cup holder so we wouldn't knock it over. When the show was done, we packed up and left pulling the perishables out when we got home. Had a good time really.

Three weeks later we were going to go out with the kids to eat and go grocery shopping. I opened the van to get the stuff out of the back: two strollers, reusable grocery bags, clothes for goodwill, and child carriers for Ben, etc. etc. Essentially taking the time to clean up the van of odd's N ends.

And that's when I found it.

A bottle, 3/4ths full of breast milk, capped, sitting in the cup holder in the back of the van. The nipple had turned pink and had a few splotches of mold growing on the outside. I was disgusted but accepting. Besides what are you going to do? Get angry? Things like this happen - especially to us. I didn't bother trying to sanitize it in any way and simply threw the thing in the recycling bin (I do care about the earth after all).

I must marvel at the wonders of Medela Bottles though. You would have thought the van would have had a terrible smell with the 80+ degree summer weather but no smell reached my nose. Or my daughters who is in that lovely stage of toddler-hood where stating the obvious comes right out of her mouth with no filter. High quality bottles for sure.

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